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MIME, Abk. für Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, ermöglicht das Anhängen beliebiger Dateien (auch Nicht-ASCII-Dateien wie: Word-Dokumente, Powerpoint-Folien, Bild, Ton) an Internet-Mails. Mail-Systeme verschiedener Online-Dienste können damit problemlos praktisch beliebige Dateien austauschen. Funktioniert beispielsweise zwischen T-Online und AOL.

MIME: Short for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, is an Internet standard, which speficies the message bodies and message attachments of Internet mails. MIME is an open specification which allows multimedia electronic mail messages containing a wide variety of different media types to be exchanged. In this way, the mail systems of different online services can exchange pretty much any data required (such as Word documents, Powerpoint presentations, pictures, sound) without any trouble. This works well. for example, between T-Online and AOL. The MIME specification is defined in RFC1521, RFC1522 and a number of complementary standards. MIME defines a 'content type' consisting of a 'type' (text, multipart, message, application, image, audio, video) and a 'subtype'. MIME content types are also starting to influence other services on the Internet, especially ->WWW and Gopher. In addition, the specification is being enlarged to accommodate SGML.

Siehe: ASCII, E-Mail, Internet